Getting started guide

Congratulations! You are about to give a definite boost to your email communications. However, before you can start creating your first campaign you will have to follow a few quick steps to get JungleMail ready for use. When you follow this guide you can be sure to start using JungleMail for Office 365 and all its functionalities in no time at all!

Step 1 - Install JungleMail 365

To start creating newsletters, you will need to install the JungleMail 365 app to your tenant. Please refer to our article for more information.

Step 2 - Open the App

You can open the JungleMail 365 app by going to . You will be prompted to log in.

Select the Sign in with Microsoft button and use your Microsoft account credentials to sign in.

The first time you sign in, you will be prompted to choose your data hosting location. JungleMail 365 is hosted in Microsoft Azure datacenters around the world.

Choose your preferred data hosting location and you will be redirected to the app.

Fill out the trial request form and your contact details and you will have access to JungleMail 365.

Step 3 - Activate the Connections and create a Sending Account

Now that you have opened the app, you will need to configure the JungleMail features that you will utilize to create and send the newsletter.

  • Activate the Azure Active Directory connection. This connection allows you to send newsletters to Distribution lists and Office 365 groups. Read more in our article how to enable the connection.
  • You can retrieve content from your SharePoint and utilize the Dynamic Content feature by activating the SharePoint connection. Read more in our article how to enable the connection.
  • To deliver a newsletter you will need a Sending Account. Read more in our article to learn how to create one.

Step 4 - Create your first newsletter

Now that you have installed JungleMail for Office 365 you can create your first newsletter. To start, you can read more about sending newsletters or, if you need advice on the best practices, read our expert blog series.

For a quick overview of JungleMail for Office 365 features in action, take a look at this video tutorial where we cover:

  • recipient settings ( 0:06 )
  • template management ( 04:06 )
  • building your email (design and content) ( 06:23 )
  • preview options (before sending) ( 23:23 )
  • sending options (scheduling, recurring etc.) ( 24:55 )
  • analytics ( 26:47 )
  • history and monitoring ( 30:28 )
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