JungleBell | Getting started 3-step guide

Congratulations! You are about to give a definite boost to your SharePoint experience and the ease with which you can create reminders and alerts. However, before you can start creating alerts you will have to follow a few quick steps to get JungleBell ready for use. When you follow this guide you can be sure to start using JungleBell and all its functionalities in no time at all!

The setup should take you no longer than 30 minutes.

Step 1 - Installing JungleBell

Start by downloading the  latest version of the installer. You then copy the installer onto the SharePoint server running the Central Administration service. Make sure you select the JungleBell version that corresponds with your version of SharePoint. Now restart the World Wide Web Publishing Service. Launch the JungleBell Installer from the SharePoint Server running Central Administration Service. The install wizard will guide you through the rest of the process.

For a detailed step-by-step guide of the installation process click here.

Step 2 - Activating features

You will now need to activate the two core features of JungleDocs:

  1. EnovaPoint JungleBell Core
  2. EnovaPoint JungleBell User Menu

To activate the first feature go to Settings > Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Site Collection Features. Locate   EnovaPoint JungleBell Core and click on activate.

To activate the second feature go to Settings > Site Settings > Site Actions > Manage Site Features. Locate the EnovaPoint JungleBell User Menu feature and click activate.

For a detailed step-by-step guide to activating the features click here.

Step 3 - Starting JungleBell

Now that you have installed JungleBell and have activated its features you can create your first alerts. Continue reading our documentation to get the most out of your JungleBell experience. To get the most out of JungleBell we have created a number of articles that will introduce you to the different features of the app, you will find all of them on this documentation page.

All that is left to say now; start creating reminders and alerts and enjoy JungleBell! 

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