Subscription topics

JungleMail offers an easy way to manage subscription topics and then filter recipients by the topic. In this tutorial, you will learn how to do this.

About subscription topics

In the JungleMail Topics list, you can manage all the topics your recipients can subscribe to. The topics listed here will also be displayed in the JungleMail Subscription Web Part:

In the JungleMail Subscribers list, you can see what topics your subscribers are following.

Filtering recipients by topic

1. In the Recipients step, go to Exclusion filters and click Add.

2. In the pop-up, select Subscription topics, then select the topics you need to filter by and click OK. In the example below, JungleMail will only send your newsletter to recipients subscribed to the Software topic.

Note the added subscription filter and resolved recipients.


  • If you add subtopics to the topic, the subscribers of this topic will automatically be subscribed to the subtopics, too.
  • Subscribers who don't have any topics selected (i.e., the Topics field in the JungleMail Subscribers list is empty), will not be excluded by filters and will receive all newsletters from you.

Importing topics via datasheet view

With JungleMail, it is easy to mass-import or update subscription topics for your recipients.

1. Open the JungleMail Subscribers list.

2. Click edit right above the list to enter datasheet view. Alternatively, you can select the List tab on the ribbon and click Quick Edit.

3. Select the Topics Bulk Import column. Then, copy and paste the topic values from Excel or another datasheet source. Within a row, separate topic titles by semicolons.

4. Click Stop editing this list to leave datasheet view. The Topics column is then automatically updated with the values you inserted in the Topics Bulk Import column.


  • The topic titles must also match the ones entered into the JungleMail Topics list. If you want to import new topics, make to add them to this list first.
  • Currently, copying and pasting multiple rows from Excel to datasheet view is only supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  • If the Topics Bulk Import column is not displayed, modify the view and check this column to be visible before switching to datasheet view.
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